To empower parents and teens to flourish in mind, body and spirit
by connecting them and the community with information,tools and resources.
We were a few quietly frustrated friends, who finally started talking to each other about our hopes and fears for our teens.
And it changed everything.
No, there was no magical solution, but there was confidential support and sharing... and the realization that though we may have different parenting concerns, we weren't so different after all.
From that small group grit2 was born, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to providing local parents and teens that same opportunity to find support and sharing for their concerns and issues.
We welcome your thoughts and input in order to make grit2 a powerful resource for our community. Thank you for visiting and please join our email list for upcoming events!
(l-r) Julie Reeg,Lisa Ordway,Lori Doy,Ann Cummins,Kim Peters,Kristin Novak,Lisa Marsicano,Erin Guth, Meghan Jacobson